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ksoap2-android client throwing FileNotFoundException inside [KeepAlive]

I am attempting to create an Android (2.2) SOAP client to connect to a SQL Server 2005 XML Web Services endpoint (and of course this requires authentication). My SQL Server endpoint seems to be up and running (it's a simple function which takes a string (varchar(20)) and returns another string; the URL "" properly returns the WSDL XML. (I am not using the "?wsdl" part of the URL in my connection string; I just mention it to show the web service is working properly.)

All seems to be working well, until I am inside the call to (using ksoap2-android 2.5.4), and get to HttpTransportSE.class:150, where (ServiceConnection)connection.openInputStream() is called, which in turn calls connection.getInputStream() - that is what throws the FileNotFoundException.

Any idea what's happening here? What is a good next debugging step? Thanks for any input.


  • See the following question for more detail and the answer to the problem: Getting ParsingError, InvalidSoapActionHeader on SQL Server SOAP request