I was trying to find a way to error/style correct a non-standard custom menu file from a decade old video game that I was working on in Notepad++ and this was the best I could come up with.
The below returns any curly brackets that aren't followed by an EOL character or are preceded by anything other than line start and 1-4 tabs, it works fine but seems like it could be a lot more elegant. Any returned brackets are incorrect unless they're the first or last in the file. More tabs are technically okay highly unlikely.
Properly formatted:
Menu "MenuName"
Menu "SubMenuName"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
// This is a comment line
// [ curly brackets in comment lines are made square so they don't get counted as balancing
All curly brackets should be on a separate line by themselves with nothing but preceding tabs. They should also be paired but I've got a plugin handling that.
Improperly formatted:
Menu "MenuName"{
Menu "SubMenuName"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
Option "OptionName" "Command" }
}Menu "That bracket would be wrong since the line should end afterwards.
{ //this would also be wrong
// Nothing should ever follow a bracket except a End Of Line character.
Is there some better way to implement this search/check, considering Notepad++ uses Boost regex and doesn't allow variable-length lookbehinds? Also perhaps keeping in mind that I learned everything I know about regex last night.
The expression also returns the first (no preceding tab) and last (no EOL character) but I'm okay with that particular behavior.
The full content of a file I use as a template:
It loads from a loose file in the data folder, completely as is.
//DO NOT DELETE, needs a line here for some reason.
Menu "MenuNameTEMPLATE"
Title "TitleName"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
DisplayName "OptionName"
Command "Command"
Icon "IconName"
PowerReady "PowerIdentifiers"
DisplayName "OptionName"
Command "Command"
Icon "IconName"
Badge "BadgeIdentifiers"
DisplayName "OptionName"
Command "Command"
Icon "IconName"
Menu "SubMenuName"
Title "TitleName"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
Option "OptionName" "Command"
^ # beginning of line
\h+ # 1 or more horizontal spaces, you can use \t{1,4} if you only want tabulations
[{}] # open or close brace
(?= # positive lookahead, make sure we have after:
\h* # 0 or more horizontal spaces
\R # any kind of linebreak
) # end lookahead
(*SKIP)(*FAIL) # skip this match and consider that fails
| # OR
[{}] # open or close brace