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Copy/Paste Data Log Based on a Condition

The following code copies a row of data from a Dashboard to a Data_Log as you repeatedly click the Start button. I am trying to add a condition that each time a Yes appears in column D of the Time Log copy the data from the Dashboard to the Data_Log and only click the Start button once to initiate as it should run continuously until you hit the Stop button.

The problem is I cannot copy the data when the Yes condition appears on the Time_Log.

Logic -> Condition of Yes appears on the Time_Log -> copy from Dashboard -> paste to Data_Log -> continues to copy/paste as the Yes increments on the Time_Log with time moving forward. Thank you for your help.

enter image description here

Option Explicit

Dim LoggingActive As Boolean
Public Sub StartLoggingData()
    Application.StatusBar = "Logging Dashboard Started"
    LoggingActive = True
End Sub
Public Sub StopLoggingData()
    Application.StatusBar = "Logging Dashboard Stopped"
    LoggingActive = False
End Sub
Private Sub CopyData()
    Dim sht1 As Worksheet, sht2 As Worksheet, sht3 As Worksheet, cpyRng As Range, logRng As Long, rngLogTargetBeginningCell As Range, rngLastCellSelection As Range, r As Long, lastRow As Range
    If LoggingActive = True Then

        Set sht1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard")
        Set sht2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data_Log")
        Set sht3 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Time_Log")
        Set cpyRng = sht1.Range("A39:Q39")
        Set rngLogTargetBeginningCell = sht2.Rows(sht2.Rows.Count).Columns(1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
        Set rngLastCellSelection = Selection ' remember the last selection because pasting will change the active cell
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Stop Updating Graphic during data copy
        lastRow = sht3.Cells(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        For r = 4 To lastRow
            If sht3.Range("D" & r).Value = "Yes" Then
                rngLogTargetBeginningCell.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                rngLastCellSelection.Select    ' reselect the old cell
            End If
        Next r
    End If
    Application.CutCopyMode = False ' Remove the copy area marker
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True  ' update graphics again
End Sub


  • lastRow is typed as a Range instead of a Numeric data type. wsTime_Log.Cells(Rows.Count) refers to column 1 which is empty.

    lastRow As Range
    lastRow = wsTime_Log.Cells(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    rngLogTargetBeginningCell should be determined inside the loop.


    lastRow As Long
    lastRow = wsTime_Log.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row

    Refactored Code

    Dim LoggingActive As Boolean
    Public Sub StartLoggingData()
        Application.StatusBar = "Logging Dashboard Started"
        LoggingActive = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub StopLoggingData()
        Application.StatusBar = "Logging Dashboard Stopped"
        LoggingActive = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub CopyData()
        LoggingActive = True
        Dim r As Long, lastRow As Long
        Dim ValidationRange As Range
        Set ValidationRange = TimeLogValidationRange
        If LoggingActive = True Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Stop Updating Graphic during data copy
            For r = 1 To ValidationRange.Rows.Count
                If ValidationRange.Cells(r, 1).Value = "Yes" Then
                    With DashboardDataRange
                        NewData_LogRow.Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
                    End With
                End If
            Next r
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True  ' update graphics again
    End Sub
    Function TimeLogValidationRange() As Range
        With wsTime_Log
            Set TimeLogValidationRange = .Range("A1", .UsedRange).Columns("D")
            With TimeLogValidationRange
                Set TimeLogValidationRange = TimeLogValidationRange.Offset(3).Resize(.Rows.Count - 3)
            End With
        End With
    End Function
    Function DashboardDataRange() As Range
        Set DashboardDataRange = wsDashboard.Range("A39:Q39")
    End Function
    Function NewData_LogRow() As Range
        With wsData_Log
            Set NewData_LogRow = .UsedRange.Columns(1)
            Set NewData_LogRow = NewData_LogRow.Offset(NewData_LogRow.Rows.Count).Resize(1).EntireRow
        End With
    End Function
    Function wsDashboard() As Worksheet
        Set wsDashboard = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard")
    End Function
    Function wsData_Log() As Worksheet
        Set wsData_Log = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data_Log")
    End Function
    Function wsTime_Log() As Worksheet
        Set wsTime_Log = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Time_Log")
    End Function

    I like to create helper functions for all my ranges. This allows me to test exactly what is being referenced like this:

    Application.Goto TimeLogValidationRange
    Application.Goto DashboardDataRange
    Application.Goto NewData_LogRow