Would it be possible to overload '>' as an operator on two strings. This would be nice as it would allow for custom results while debugging. In my case, I could also edit the source code and add prints, etc., but the Monkey Patch is quicker and available without a rebuild.
The desired result would be that typing (for example):
>>>import os
>>>"string1" > "string2"
would call some custom code that I've created. Other options might be to use decorators, or some of the solutions here:
If you derive a class from str
I guess you could:
class pipe_string(str):
def __gt__(self, other):
with open(other, "w") as file:
pipe_string("foo") > "bar.txt"
But I would discourage it I think. Might be better to send whatever you are looking to send to stdout
via python and use your shell to do shell things.