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Laravel filtering models from relations

I have two related Models in Laravel (8.0)

| item_id |   group   | show_in_website | ... |
|     147 | Keyboards |               1 | ... |
|     158 | Keyboards |               1 | ... |
|     003 | Mouse     |               1 | ... |


| id | item_id |    name     |   value    |
|  1 |     147 | Color       | Black      |
|  2 |     147 | Sensitivity | 1800 DPI   |
|  3 |     158 | Color       | White      |
|  4 |     158 | Sensitivity | 1800 DPI   |
|  5 |     003 | Color       | White      |
|  6 |     003 | Type        | Mechanical |
|  7 |     003 | Size        | 108 Keys   |

I have Products related to Attributes using hasMany() relationship, and i want users to filter Products based on one or more attributes. The only solution I could come up with was something like

$group = 'Mouse';
$names = ['Color', 'Sensitivity'];
$values = ['Black', 'White', 'Red', '1800 DPI', '2100 DPI']

// OR

$group = 'Keyboard';
$names = ['Type'];
$values = ['Mechanical']

/* These parameters are user controlled, user can only filter one group at a time, 
but might choose one or more names/values pairs for filters. 
I.E the first case would return all Mice which has Black,White or Red color and 1800 or 2100 DPI

$products = Product::where(['show_in_website', 1], ['group', $group])
                function ($query) use ($names, $values){
                        ->whereIn('name', $names)
                        ->whereIn('values', $values);

The problem with this query is, If user selects Color: Black and Senstivity:1800DPI, it returns all products with Black Color (and whatever sensitivity) AND all products with 1800 DPI (and whatever color), not products which has BOTH properties uniquely.

How can I write an eloquent query to achieve the desired function? If not, is there a better way to do this? (Better modeling/code structuring)?


  • The way I did this was the following:

    $products = Product::where('show_in_website', 1)->where('group', $group);
    foreach($names as $name){
        $products->whereHas('attributes', function ($query) use($name, $values){
            $query->where('name', $name)
                  ->whereIn('value', $values);

    Thanks to Laravel Discord Community for helping me find this!