I have a requirement in hive to find a value in a column, data is ";" separated values in single column. if my required value present it should result TRUE else FALSE.
Ex: data in a single column is
Row1: insurance;finance;telecom
Row2: insurance, retail
Row3: finance, telecom, internal
Like this I have different values in a column. I wanted to find if the column contains "finance" or not. If present it should result TRUE else FALSE
output: Row1: TRUE
Row3: TRUE
Please help. Thanks in advance.
If you are looking for single hardcode value, you can use like operator.
where col like '%finance%'.
But if you want it to be a variable qnd coming from another table you can use it like this
From table1 t1,
join table2 t2 on t1.col like concat('%', t2.colpattern, '%')