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Odoo15 - Delivery Slip report can't be translated

Issue: Delivery Slip PDF report can't be translated when the language changed

Reproduce Step: Inventory-> Delivery Order -> click into one record -> print-> delivery slip -> change user profile languare and try to download report again. enter image description here

note: the picking operation PDF report can be translated as expected when change user language

Any idea? thanks


  • In Odoo translation done based on the customer language I have attached image with customer language German in delivery slip report.

    enter image description here

    And if you want to change it as per user language you can update it on delivery slip report.

     <t t-call="stock.report_delivery_document" t-lang="o.partner_id.lang"/>

    from this to update as below

     <t t-call="stock.report_delivery_document" t-lang="user.partner_id.lang"/>