I have a situation where i need to programmatically create a folder and all its subfolders including their subfolders into a sharepoint documment library. Is it possibible to do that in 1 call?
Right now i do it folder by folder which does take a noticeable amount of time since there are many subfolders. Here is how i do it:
//newFolder - The folder that i want to create, contains subfolders
//destinationFolder - The destination folder where i want to create newFolder
public void createFolder(ExternalDocumentFolder newFolder, ExternalDocumentFolder destinationFolder) {
GraphServiceClient<Request> graphClient = graphServiceClientBuilder.buildForNoUser();
String driveID = getDriveID(graphClient);
//All subfolders are flattened into a single list for easy of saving
List<ExternalDocumentFolder> externalDocumentFolders = flattenFolder(newFolder);
for (ExternalDocumentFolder folder : externalDocumentFolders) {
DriveItem newDriveItem = mapToDriveItem(folder);
String destinationPath = destinationFolder.getPath();
if(folder.getParent() != null){
destinationPath = destinationPath + "/" + folder.getParent().getPath();
DriveItem returnedDriveItem = graphClient.drives(driveID).items("root:/" + destinationPath + ":").children().buildRequest().post(newDriveItem);
You can use a batch request to combine all the requests into a single call. Please check this document.