Search code examples

Ansible list single/double quotes

I have created a list which I want to use as input parameter into the body of the uri module. When I try to use the list I face an issue with single/double quoting.

- set_fact:
        my_entities: "{{ entities.results | json_query('[].json.entities[].entityId') }}"

TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {"ansible_facts": {"my_entities": ["HOST-CD2D2A58FB173BF0", "HOST-41B005A2056B6C03"]}, "changed": false}
    - name: test 
         url: "XXXXX"
         method: POST
            Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
            Authorization: XXXXX
         return_content: yes  
         status_code: 201
         body: "{\"metadata\":{\"clusterVersion\":\"Mock version\"},\"scope\":{\"entities\":[\"{{ my_entities }}\"]}}
         validate_certs: no
         body_format: json

When I run the playbook I can see in the failure report that the entities are listed single quoted.

"scope": {
          "entities": [
            "['HOST-CD2D2A58FB173BF0', 'HOST-41B005A2056B6C03']"

When I only select the first value from the list, it works:

body: "{\"metadata\":{\"clusterVersion\":\"Mock version\"},\"scope\":{\"entities\":[\"{{ my_entities | first }}\"]}}

In the report I can see that the entities is like:

 "entities": [

In conclusion, I want to use the complete list {{ my_entities }} into the uri POST call where the entities should get populated as ["HOST-CD2D2A58FB173BF0", "HOST-41B005A2056B6C03"]


  • i dunno if you want list or list of list....

    try this:

    body: '{"metadata":{"clusterVersion":"Mock version"},"scope":{"entities":[{{my_entities}}] } }'

    or this:

    body: '{"metadata":{"clusterVersion":"Mock version"},"scope":{"entities":{{my_entities}} } }'