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Make rpm package without any dependencies. However when the rpm package is installed in the environment, there is a problem of missing dependencies

Make rpm package without any dependencies. However when the rpm package is installed in the environment, there is a problem of missing dependencies

I use “ --nodeps --force” to ignore rpm install errors, but what is the root cause?

problem of missing dependencies:

#  rpm -ivh 3cbb43448c0ad96c2c44ee01a7357cd248647f92e7ebc71531c26acacbe59d90.rpm 
Error: Dependency detection failed: is tool-dawn-tce-deploy-1.0.5-20220318.114629.4e054de.x86_64 need is tool-dawn-tce-deploy-1.0.5-20220318.114629.4e054de.x86_64 need is tool-dawn-tce-deploy-1.0.5-20220318.114629.4e054de.x86_64 need is tool-dawn-tce-deploy-1.0.5-20220318.114629.4e054de.x86_64 need

rpm spec:

Name: tool-dawn-tce-deploy
Version: %{component_version}
Release: %{component_release}
Summary: tool-dawn-tce-deploy
Group: Applications/System
License: ASL 2.0
BuildArch: x86_64

Dawn tools,Contains product atomic operations and deployment seq

git clone -b release/tce3.8.0
mv ted.dawn/tool/tool-dawn-tce-deploy ./tool-dawn-tce-deploy
rm -rf ted.dawn

#nothing required

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
cp -rf ./tool-dawn-tce-deploy %{buildroot}%{_bindir}









  • What you're looking for is to disable the internal dependency generator:

    %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0

    That said, your binary will not work unless you make sure those libraries are somehow accessible to it.

    If you want it to have no dependency and not ship the libraries inside the package, you need to build it statically. E.g. -static option for gcc.