Currently, we are using Python's vtk wrapper and also Pyvista (a more pythonist vtk wrapper).
At some parts of the process we have some log lines from .cxx files:
2022-03-17 17:21:56.031 ( 156.058s) [ 4CC78740] vtkDelaunay3D.cxx:518 WARN| vtkDelaunay3D (0x559d2b180400): 1 degenerate triangles encountered, mesh quality suspect
2022-03-17 17:21:58.045 ( 158.072s) [ 4CC78740] vtkMath.cxx:522 WARN| Unable to factor linear system
2022-03-17 17:21:58.288 ( 158.314s) [ 4CC78740] vtkDelaunay3D.cxx:518 WARN| vtkDelaunay3D (0x559d0877c080): 3 degenerate triangles encountered, mesh quality suspect
Is it possible to suppress or to manage those logs from python logging module?
you have the vtkLogger class to manage your logs (I know, c++ docs but VTK has a lack of python doc).