I am trying to find the max number of consecutive months a customer is active with the store. Here is the data I have.
| Id | t_year | t_month_prx | Store | diff_months |
| 1 | 2021 | 10.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 1 | 2022 | 1.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 1 | 2022 | 2.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 1.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 2.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 3.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 6.0 | A001 | 3.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 7.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 8.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 9.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 10.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2022 | 1.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2022 | 2.0 | A001 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 1.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 2.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 3.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 6.0 | A002 | 3.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 7.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 8.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 9.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 2 | 2021 | 10.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 3 | 2021 | 10.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 3 | 2022 | 1.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
| 3 | 2022 | 2.0 | A002 | 1.0 |
Original problem involved skipping two months so I made a month proxy. So, instead of 12 months there are 10 months in a year.
what I have tried so far is:
df = df.sort_values(by=['Id','t_year','t_month_prx'], ascending = True).reset_index(drop=True)
df['diff_months'] = df.groupby(['Id', 't_year'])['t_month_prx'].diff()
df['diff_months'].fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
and I get this result
df_result = pd.DataFrame({
'Id': {0: 1,1: 1,2: 1,3: 2,4: 2,5: 2,6: 2,7: 2, 8: 2,9: 2, 10: 2, 11: 2, 12: 2},
't_year': {0: 2021, 1: 2022, 2: 2022, 3: 2021,4: 2021,5: 2021,6: 2021,7: 2021,8: 2021,9: 2021,10: 2021,11: 2022,12: 2022},
't_month_prx': {0: 10.0,1: 1.0,2: 2.0,3: 1.0,4: 2.0,5: 3.0,6: 6.0,7: 7.0,
8: 8.0,9: 9.0,10: 10.0,11: 1.0,12: 2.0},
'diff_months': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0,3: 1.0,4: 1.0,5: 1.0,6: 3.0,7: 1.0,8: 1.0,9: 1.0,10: 1.0,11: 1.0, 12: 1.0}
then finally I tired to count all consecutive 1s
df.groupby([df['Id'], df['diff_months'].ne(df.groupby('Id')['diff_months'].shift(1)).cumsum()])['diff_months'].sum().groupby(level=0).max().reset_index(name='consecutive_month')
It gives me following results
'Id': {0: 1,1: 2},
'counts': {0: 3.0,1: 6.0}
but desired output is:
pd.DataFrame({'Id': [1,2, 2, 3], 'Store': ['A001','A001', 'A002', 'A002'], 'counts': [3, 7, 5, 3]})
which looks like:
Id Store counts
0 1 A001 3
1 2 A001 7
2 2 A002 5
3 3 A002 3
So, for 2nd customer it should be 7 months, since I am counting only 1s
it skips 3
. similarly there can be multiple smaller sequences of 1's and in that case will have to select the max count of 1's. Is my approach good? Any idea how I can count consecutive months that can span over different years?
You could first create groups using groupby
+ diff
(in any given year, to be "consecutive", the difference has to be 1; across years, it has to be -9). Then use the groups in another groupby
+ size
to find the consecutive counts; then do yet another groupby
+ max
to find the maximum consecutive counts per Id.
cols = ['Id', 'Store']
g = df.groupby(cols)
month_diff = g['t_month_prx'].diff()
year_diff = g['t_year'].diff()
nonconsecutive = ~((year_diff.eq(0) & month_diff.eq(1)) | (year_diff.eq(1) & month_diff.eq(-9)))
out = df.groupby([*cols, nonconsecutive.cumsum()]).size().droplevel(-1).groupby(cols).max().reset_index(name='counts')
Id Store counts
0 1 A001 3
1 2 A001 7
2 2 A002 5
3 3 A002 3