I've an angular project with NGXS that I just setup.
In my AuthState, I've the following:
export class AuthState {
static isAuthenticated(state: AuthStateModel) {
return state.currentUser !== null;
In a component, I'm doing the following:
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
@Select(AuthState.isAuthenticated) isAuthenticated$: Observable<boolean>;
But it gives me a compilation error:
src/app/layout/header/header.component.ts:14:38 - error TS2564: Property 'isAuthenticated$' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
14 @Select(AuthState.isAuthenticated) isAuthenticated$: Observable<boolean>;
I totally understand why, here, angular has no way to know it will be properly initialized.
I've search a bit, and found a lot of link pointing to disable property initialization checks with
"strictPropertyInitialization": false
in the tsconfig.
But the thing is that I like this check, and I don't want to disable it. There has to be a way to not disable this for the whole application but still use NGXS Select's, right?
Since you dont want to change the setting. then you would have to set it via constructor.
constructor(store: Store){
this.isAuthenticated$= store.select(AuthState.isAuthenticated);