I have a jitclass say weather
and save one of its attribute att = weather.class_type.instance_type
to use in another jit function to specify its output style.
out_style = Tuple.from_types((ListType(att)))
@jit([out_style(nb.int64, nb.int64)], nopython=True)
def new_function():
This attribute is printed as below.
27725c129d0<_data:array(float64, 2d, A),_colmap:DictType[unicode_type,int64]<iv=None>,date0:datetime64[M],_tdelta:timedelta64[M]>
Now I want to remove this jitclass, still want to manually specify this attribute and use it. I see there are four data types, array(float64, 2d, A)
, DictType[unicode_type,int64]
, datetime64[M]
, and timedelta64[M]
I declare it this way, however, error is reported as below.
out_style = Tuple.from_types((ListType(nb.types.Array(nb.float64, 2, 'A'), DictType(nb.types.unicode_type, bb2), nb.types.NPDatetime('M'), nb.types.NPTimedelta('M')))
TypeError: __init__() takes 2 positional arguments but 5 were given
Please help to fix this issue. Thanks.
I'm not sure I understand it correctly. ListType()
can contain only one argument. In my case, I added four in ListType()
. It causes the error. Here type of att
is classinstancetype
. Since jitclass
is removed as previously mentioned, which data type would be a good alternative, tuple?
takes a list in parameter that should contain each type of the tuple. For example:
This is a type of tuple containing 3 elements: a list of 32-bit integers, a 64-bit float and a 64-bit integer.
Based on your code, I guess you want this:
out_style = nb.types.Tuple.from_types([
nb.types.DictType(nb.types.unicode_type, bb2),