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C# P/Invoke Attribute

New to C# Compact edition 6.5. I am trying to set the datetime on a file which seems to be off by 5 hours from the actual system time. I am doing only this to create the file:

        FileStream fs= File.Create(name);  

Just doing this the Created date is 5 hours ahead...if I try and set the CreationTime I get a compile error saying the Attribute is Readonly, seriously?

        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(name);
        fi.CreationTime = date;

So my question is since I am new to C# how do you get access to a "readonly" Attribute in the CE framework? I see mentioning of P/Invoke but seems to work on methods only and not attributes. Anyone can given a quick demo on how to do this?

I've tried this solution and still get the file writing UTC even though I send it the current local time


  • I just ran this:

    static void Main()
        var name = "\\foo.txt";
        var info = new FileInfo(name);
        using (info.Create()) { }
        var createTime = info.CreationTime;
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        var delta = now - createTime;

    And got this output:


    Which seems to be correct to me.