I'm practicing my R coding today and am working on the problem where you have a stick with length=1 and break it into 3 pieces. We need to figure out what the probability is that those 3 broken pieces will form a triangle. I've found some proper code online for this problem, but they are slightly beyond my understanding.
Why won't this code work? Could you tell me how to fix it? TIA!
breaks <- sort(runif(n=2))
stick_lengths <- c(breaks[1], breaks[2]-breaks[1], 1-breaks[2])
repetitions <- 10000
tri <- c(1:10000)
trialstotri <- 0
for(i in 1:repetitions){
break1 <- 0
trials <- 0
while(breaks[1]+(breaks[2]-breaks[1])> 1-breaks[2] TRUE){
breaks <- sample(tri, size=1, replace=TRUE)
trialstotri <- trialstotri + 1 }
Here's a structure that I think will work, and I'll leave some details for you to fill in.
repetitions <- 10000
trials <- logical(length = repetitions)
for(i in 1:repetitions) {
# break a stick randomly
breaks <- sort(runif(n=2))
stick_lengths <- c(breaks[1], breaks[2]-breaks[1], 1-breaks[2])
# see if it works as a triangle
(stick_lengths[1] + stick_lengths[2] > stick_lengths[3])
() & () ## fill in additional conditions! One is not enough!
) {
trials[i] <- TRUE
} else {
trials[i] <- FALSE