Is there a way to run Hangfire Jobs locally while debugging in Visual Studio while not triggereing any scheduled jobs defined in the database.
For example, I have HangfireJobA and I want to run it one time while in Visual Studio and step through it, however, when debugging, if HangfireJobA is configured in the DB to run every 3 minutes, I don't necessary want that schedule to be triggered.
How can I logically separate the two requirements. I don't want the scheduled jobs to run while I am debugging.
Currently, I have created a #IF(DEBUG) ...#endif and dynamically load all classes that implement an IServiceWorker interface and then select one to instantiate and run it's worker function. This seems hacky and there may be a better way. Any suggestions?
The solution being test driven at the moment is:
Require all Developers install SQL Server LocalDB
In appsettings.local.json add the local version of the hangfire db.
"HangfireDB": "Data Source = localhost; Initial Catalog = Hangfire_XXXX; Integrated Security = SSPI;"
In registration, there is a differentiation between debugging locally or running in a target environment.
NOTE : Adding Cron.Never() as the Schedule will place the job in a visible but disabled state. This means the only way to trigger a job is to implicitly click the "Trigger Now", thus invoking the debugger on it.
public static class RegisterServiceWorkers
public static void Register(string environment)
if (environment.Equals("LOCAL"))
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_LIFO", x => x.PerformServiceWork("LIFO"), () => Cron.Never());
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_FIFO", x => x.PerformServiceWork("FIFO"), () => Cron.Never());
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_RANDOM", x => x.PerformServiceWork("RANDOM"), () => Cron.Never());
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_FIFO", x => x.PerformServiceWork("LIFO"), () => "*/3 * * * *");
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_LIFO", x => x.PerformServiceWork("FIFO"), () => "*/3 * * * *");
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker>("LeaseReportDataBuildupWorker_RANDOM", x => x.PerformServiceWork("RANDOM"), () => "*/3 * * * *");