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Why does "Git help <command>" not launch html help in my browser, like it says it should?

I am really enjoying my time with git.

I'm operating on 2 machines with what I thought were pretty similar setups

On my Laptop

When I type "Git help SomeCommand" from the CLI, my laptop launches the html help in my browser and I am free to read up on whatever help element I asked about.

On my Desktop

The CLI responds as if is is going to do the same, but no browser is switched to and no help is launched

What can I do to get my help back on my desktop?

Note: I'm running the bash shell through console2, but this problem appears to affect the default bash shell run via the context menu in explorer just as much.


  • It seems that this bug went away when I upgraded to the latest version of msysgit (1.7.6 from 1.7.3)