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turn positive values to negative in SQL Snowfalke

I have a column where the values describe the price of an item that has been returned. They are positive and when sum:ing them I would need them to become negative. Ex:

order id item id returned price quantity
123 456 True 50 1
987 123 True 10 2

Example query below to get the sum of the returned value:

sum(case when returned = 'True' then (price * quantity) else 0 end) as returnedAmount

One thought I had was:

sum(case when returned = 'True' then (-1*(price * quantity)) else 0 end) as returnedAmount

But that returned null, not sure why. Does anyone have a smarter suggestion?


  • If the returned column is boolean then comparison is just column name:

    SELECT col, 
      SUM(CASE WHEN retruned THEN -1*(price * quantity) ELSE 0 END) AS returnedAmmount 
    FROM tab 
    GROUP BY col;

    If the query returns NULL it could mean that either PRICE or QUANTITY columsn are nullable for all values in a group:

    SELECT col, 
      COALESCE(SUM(IIF(retruned, -1*(price * quantity),0)), 0) AS returnedAmmount 
    FROM tab 
    GROUP BY col;