I am trying to run my unit tests in Grails 4.0.3 through the command grails test-app.
Unfortunately I am in trouble with dependency injection.
I have basically two test cases. The first one does not work with the response No GORM implementations configured. Ensure GORM has been initialized correctly It seems that PidService is not correctly injected.
To demonstrate my suspicion I created a private method which only throws an exception, to be invoked in the second test case. So, I invoked that method in the second one and it worked as expected. The exception was correctly catched and I could verify that the message is correct.
package br.gov.cmb.pid.tests
import br.gov.cmb.pid.services.PidService
import grails.testing.services.ServiceUnitTest
import org.grails.web.json.JSONObject
import spock.lang.Specification
class PidIssuingSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<PidService> {
def setup() {
def cleanup() {
def "Test that injection is not working"() {
JSONObject wrongPidIssuingDocument = new JSONObject()
def e = thrown(Exception)
e.message == "Register number is mandatory."
def "Test that works because no injection is necessary"(){
def e = thrown(Exception)
e.message == "Register number is mandatory."
private void dispException(){
throw new Exception("Register number is mandatory.")
Grails Unit Test does not work when dependency inject is necessary
In general unit tests that require dependency injection is supported.
See the Modifying the Application Context section at https://testing.grails.org/2.4.1/guide/index.html#unitTesting. That demonstrates how to add beans to the context in a unit test so they may be injected. For example, you could do this:
Closure doWithSpring() {{ ->
// create a bean named "someService" which
// is an instance of SomeService.
// the someService bean may be injected into the
// the class under test
At https://github.com/grails/grails-testing-support/blob/9f782ff3b911919e421440feb8a2e4736c6aced6/examples/demo33/src/test/groovy/demo/ReportingServiceSpec.groovy is a working example:
package demo
import grails.testing.services.ServiceUnitTest
import spock.lang.Specification
class ReportingServiceSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<ReportingService> {
Closure doWithSpring() {{ ->
someHelper RushHelper
void "test dependency injection"() {
service.retrieveSomeNumber() == 2112
class RushHelper implements MathHelper {
int getSomeNumber() {
Notice that the service
being tested is the ReportingService
. The RushHelper
is being injected into that service to support the test.