I have the following MongoDB code that uses setonInsert
public void populateRecords(Set<String> recNames) {
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = mongoHolder.getMongoTemplate();
dbNames.forEach(recName -> {
Update update = new Update()
.setOnInsert(Fields.recName, recName)
.setOnInsert(Fields.lastUpdated, LocalDateTime.MIN);
However Im not sure how to write a good Mock test for above code that uses setOnInsert Any help is highly appreciated
You have to mock the entire database class and collections
Mongo mongo = PowerMockito.mock(Mongo.class);
DB db = PowerMockito.mock(DB.class);
DBCollection dbCollection = PowerMockito.mock(DBCollection.class);
MyService svc = new MyService(mongo); // Use some kind of dependency injection
PowerMockito.verify(dbCollection).findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));
as commented in this question: unit testing with mongo db and java