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Making OData call using Refit

I have an OData query as below.

http://localhost:65202/api/odata/StaffBookings?$select=ID&$filter=Staff/ID eq 1&$expand=Staff($select=ID),Event($select=ID,EventDate;$expand=Client($select=ID,Company))

How can I call it using Refit?




  • You can use the following OdataParameters class to set the properties. Then add OdataParameters as a parameter in your function signature.

        Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetAdHocDataAsync(
          [Header("Authorization")] string bearerAuthorization,
          string resource,
          OdataParameters odataParams

    Here's the OdataParameters class you can modify to for your needs

        public class OdataParameters
            private readonly bool _count;
            public OdataParameters(bool count = false, int? top = null, int? skip = null, string filter = null,
                string select = null, string orderBy = null)
                _count = count;
                Top = top;
                Skip = skip;
                Filter = filter;
                Select = select;
                OrderBy = orderBy;
            [AliasAs("$count")] public string Count => _count ? "true" : null;
            [AliasAs("$top")] public int? Top { get; }
            [AliasAs("$skip")] public int? Skip { get; }
            [AliasAs("$filter")] public string Filter { get; }
            [AliasAs("$select")] public string Select { get; }
            [AliasAs("$orderBy")] public string OrderBy { get; }