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php DOMDocument get part of xml as xml

i have the following xml

    <Body attribute3="3" attribute1="1" attribute2="2">
        <Response id="4" status="OK">
            <Token c="c" b="b" a="a" e="e" d="d">

and i used simplexml to manipulate it.The problem is that i have to Canonicalize XML nodes which is supported by DOMDocument.

With simplexml i used $xml->Body->Response->asXML(); to get the Response node as XML.

I am trying to get Response node as XML with DOMDocument but i don't know how

so far i have

$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;
$xml_string = $xmlDoc->saveXML();

an in $xml_string i have the xml

i want to get Response node as XML with DOMDocument

<Response id="4" status="OK">
    <Token c="c" b="b" a="a" e="e" d="d">

can anyone help me how to do that

Any help appreciated


  • If I understand you correctly, this should get you there:

    $XMLDoc = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($XMLDoc);
    $target = $xpath->query('//Response');
    echo $XMLDoc->saveXML($target[0]);


    <Response id="4" status="OK">
                <Token c="c" b="b" a="a" e="e" d="d">