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Extracting specific variable names into a single variable

I would to pick out any variable with ## in each row then store such variables in the vars_extract variable. Any idea?


df <- tibble(
  "a1" = c("##", 3, NA, 4, 5),
  "a2" = c(10, 38, "##", 4, 5),
  "a3" = c(11, 34, NA, 4, 5),
  "a4" = c("##", 35, 67, 4, "##"),
  "fname" = c("Megan", "John", "Terry", "Kim", "Anne")

# Trial (though not modified)
df %>%
  mutate(vars_extract = names(.))

I would like to something like this

for Anne, I have vars_extract as "a1, a4"


  • Something like this?

    df %>%
      mutate(across(a1:a4, ~case_when(. == '##' ~ cur_column()), .names = 'new_{col}')) %>%
      unite(New_Col, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ' ')
     a1    a2       a3 a4    fname New_Col
      <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>  
    1 ##    10       11 ##    Megan "a1 a4"
    2 3     38       34 35    John  ""     
    3 NA    ##       NA 67    Terry "a2"   
    4 4     4         4 4     Kim   ""     
    5 5     5         5 ##    Anne  "a4"