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How to show column headers in a GtkTreeView inside a gtk.ScrolledWindow?

I have a problem with Gtk.Treeview indide a Gtk.ScrolledWindow. I have a large amount of data, which doesnt fit inside my normal window geometrics, so i put my Treeview inside a ScrolledWindow, which seems to be the normal way. The problem with this solution is, that my Column Headers disapear, when I scroll. This behaviour seems somewhat ok to me, since the ScrolledWindow should care about the widgets inside of it.

So, how do I get my Treeview to be scrollable AND show the column headers always in the first row?

I modified the example to represent my problem:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# example

import pygtk
import gtk

class BasicTreeViewExample:

    # close the window and quit
    def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
        return False

    def __init__(self):
        # Create a new window
        self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
        self.window.set_title("Basic TreeView Example")
        self.window.set_size_request(200, 200)
        self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)

        # create a TreeStore with one string column to use as the model
        self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(str)

        # we'll add some data now - 4 rows with 3 child rows each
        for i in range(10):

        # create the TreeView using treestore
        self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.liststore)

        # create the TreeViewColumn to display the data
        self.tvcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Column-Name", gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)

        # add tvcolumn to treeview

        # make it searchable

        # Allow sorting on the column

        # Allow drag and drop reordering of rows

        # Add Treeview to a ScrolledWindow
        self.scrolledwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)
        self.scrolledwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)



def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tvexample = BasicTreeViewExample()


  • Change self.scrolledwindow.add_with_viewport to self.scrolledwindow.add and it will work. From the documentation:

    The add_with_viewport() method is used to add a widget (specified by child) without native scrolling capabilities to the scrolled window. This is a convenience function that is equivalent to adding child to a gtk.Viewport, then adding the viewport to the scrolled window. If a child has native scrolling (e.g. gtk.TextView, gtk.TreeView, gtk.Layout), use gtk.Container.add() instead of this method.

    gtk.TreeView's "native scrolling" keeps the column headers at the top, but if you put the entire treeview widget in a gtk.Viewport first, then the entire widget will scroll.