I am trying to convert a huge csv file from utf-16 to utf-8 format using python and below is the code:
with open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\srcfile, 'rb') as source_file:
with open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\destfile, 'w+b') as dest_file:
contents = source_file.read()
But this code uses lots of memory and fails with Memoryerror. Please help me with an alternate method.
an option is to convert the file line by line:
with open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\srcfile', 'rb') as source_file, \
open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\destfile', 'w+b') as dest_file:
for line in source_file:
or you could open the files with your desired encoding:
with open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\srcfile', 'r', encoding='utf-16') as source_file, \
open(r'D:\_apps\aaa\output\destfile', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as dest_file:
for line in source_file: