Hi I'm developping an API using firebase functions and I use the emulators but I have a problem when I'm trying to access the emulators during my test to test my function to add a document in firestor it isn't working and it send data directly to firebase
Here is an example
test("return the created document with its uid", async () => {
const res = await addDoc<any>("test", { message: "hello" });
Instead of adding the doc to the emulators it add it directly to the database in firebase
How can I do to use the emulator instead?
EDIT: I have forgot to say that if I test by using axios to test my controller it works perfectly and use the emulator and in both case the emulators are started
When you are using an emulator is recommended to use a demo project
[1] instead of a real project, how to do it was explained in this thread[2].
Good luck.
[1] https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/connect_firestore#choose_a_firebase_project [2]How to setup a Firebase demo project