I have folder with 12000 csv sample files and I need to read only certain files of interest from it. I have a list with filenames that I want to read from that folder. Here's my code so far
Filenames # list that contains name of filenames that I want to read
# Import data
data_path= "/MyDataPath"
data = []
# Import csv files
#I feel I am doing a mistake here with looping Filenames[i]
for file in glob.glob(f"{data_path}/{Filenames[i]}.csv", recursive=False):
df = pd.read_csv(file,header=None)
# Append dataframe
This code only reads first file and ignores all other.
The problem is you are not iterating over the Filenames
Try the following:
# i=0
# Import csv files
#I feel I am doing a mistake here with looping Filenames[i]
for f in Filenames:
file = glob.glob(f"{data_path}/{f}.csv", recursive=False)
df = pd.read_csv(file,header=None)
# Append dataframe
# i=i+1