I am trying to transfer files from an ftp server using the ftp outbound gateway with recursive method as my ftp server will generate new random name folder and I need to fetch everything. I only know this method work, unless anyone can suggest easier one. Anyway, this is my code.
@Bean(value = "ftpTolocal")
public IntegrationFlow fileToFile() {
IntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows
.localDirectoryExpression("'/localDirectory/' + #remoteDirectory"))
return flow;
I have searched and the answer I always get is to create an inputChannel message but I couldn't find one that actually tells me how to do it. I also see many xml solution, but I couldn't find how to implement it. FTP integration guide seems rare and the explanation seems difficult to understand for a rookie like me. Thanks in advance.
IntegrationFlow polled() {
return IntegrationFlows.fromSupplier(() -> "testMessage",
e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(5))))