I have the following XML (XBRL) file
<xbrli:context id="I2010_ForwardContractsMember">
<xbrli:identifier scheme="http://www.sec.gov/CIK">0000027419</xbrli:identifier>
<xbrldi:explicitMember dimension="us-gaap:DerivativeByNatureAxis">us-gaap:ForwardContractsMember</xbrldi:explicitMember>
<xbrli:context id="D2010Q1">
<xbrli:identifier scheme="http://www.sec.gov/CIK">0000027419</xbrli:identifier>
I want to get the startDate and endDate value when id="D2010Q1"
My codes is following
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($sec_file);
$xml -> registerXPathNamespace('us-gaap', "http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2011-01-31");
foreach ($xml->xpath('//xbrli:context') as $item) {
if ($item -> attributes() -> id == 'D2010Q1') {
//print_r($item -> xpath('//xbrli:startDate'));
echo $item->xpath('//xbrli:startDate');
echo '<br>';
I don't know how to get startDate and endDate value. Any suggestions?
The original xml is located at
Do I need to register all the namespace in the file? How could I get startDate and endDate infor?
No you only have to register the namespaces you need i.e. http://www.xbrl.org/2003/instance
$xmldoc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xmldoc);
$xpath->registerNamespace("xbrli", "http://www.xbrl.org/2003/instance");
$nodelist = $xpath->query("/xbrli:xbrl/xbrli:context[@id='D2010Q1']/xbrli:period"); // much faster than //xbrli:context and //xbrli:startDate
if($nodelist->length === 1)
$period = $nodelist->item(0);
$nodelist = $xpath->query("xbrli:startDate", $period);
$startDate = $nodelist->length === 1 ? $nodelist->item(0)->nodeValue : null;
$nodelist = $xpath->query("xbrli:endDate", $period);
$endDate = $nodelist->length === 1 ? $nodelist->item(0)->nodeValue : null;
printf("%s<br>%s", $startDate, $endDate);
; // not found or more than one <xbrli:context id='D2010Q1'><xbrli:period>
$xmldoc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xmldoc);
$xpath->registerNamespace("xbrli", "http://www.xbrl.org/2003/instance");
$nodelist = $xpath->query("/xbrli:xbrl/xbrli:context[@id='D2010Q1']/xbrli:period/xbrli:startDate"); // much faster than //xbrli:context and //xbrli:startDate
if($nodelist->length === 1)
print $nodelist->item(0)->nodeValue;
; // not found or more than one <xbrli:context id='D2010Q1'><xbrli:period>