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Can I use my own Certificate Authority for HTTPS over LAN?

I have a server and a few clients, all running on different docker containers. The users can use the client by entering localhost:3000 on their browser (where the client docker is running). All the containers run on the same LAN. I want to use HTTPS. Can I sign a public private key pair using my own CA, then load the CA's public key to the browser? I want to use the normal flow for public domains, but internally with my own CA. Or should I look for another solution?


  • Meta: since you've now disclosed nodejs, that makes it at least borderline for topicality.

    In general, the way PKIX (as used in SSL/TLS including HTTPS) works is that the server must have a privatekey and matching certificate; this is the same whether you use a public CA or your own (as you desire). The server should also have any intermediate or 'chain' cert(s) needed to verify its cert; a public CA will always need such chain cert(s) because CABforum rules (codifying common best practice) prohibits issuing 'subscriber' (EE) certs directly from a root, while your own CA is up to you -- you can choose to use intermediate(s) or not, although as I say it is considered best practice to use them and keep the root privatekey 'offline' -- in cryptography, that means not on any system that communicates with anybody, such as in this case servers that request certificates, thus eliminating one avenue of attack -- on a specialized device that is 'airgapped' (not connected or even able to be connected to any network) and in a locked vault, possibly with 'tamper protection', a polite name for self-destruct. As a known example of the rigor needed to secure something as sensitive as the root key of an important CA, compare Stuxnet.

    The client(s) does not need and should not be configured with the server cert unless you want to do pinning; it(they) do need the CA root cert. Most clients, and particularly browsers, already have many/most/all public CA root certs builtin, so using a cert from such a CA does not require any action on the client(s); OTOH using your own CA requires adding your CA cert to the client(s). Chrome on Windows uses the Microsoft-supplied (Windows) store; you can add to this explicitly (using the GUI dialog, or the certutil program or powershell), although in domain-managed environments (e.g. businesses) it is also popular to 'push' a CA cert (or certs) using GPO. Firefox by default uses its own truststore, which you must add to explicitly, but (although I was not aware in 2022 when I first wrote this answer) since about 2018 it has an option to also use the Windows truststore, and more recently the macOS 'keychain'.

    In nodejs you configure the privatekey, server cert, and if needed chain cert(s), as documented

    PS: note you generally should, and for Chrome (and new Edge, which is actually Chromium) must, have the SubjectAlternativeName (SAN) extension in the server cert specify its domain name(s), or optionally IP address(es), NOT (or not only) the CommonName (CN) attribute as you will find in many outdated and/or incompetent instructions and tutorials on the Web. Update: as of 2023 this is also a must for Firefox. OpenSSL commandline makes it easy to do CommonName but not quite so easy to do SAN; there are many Qs on several Stacks about this. Any public CA after about 2010 does SAN automatically.