I have a list of pairs structure [("oct",1),("nov",1),("dec",1)]
I want to calculate sum within pairs: [("oct",1),("nov",2),("dec",3)]
. I think this is a good case for monadic implementation, but can't figure out how to preserve containers.
I tried to make function on lists (I already know about scanl1
, just showing effort here :)
csm (x:[]) = [x]
csm (x:y:xs) = x : csm ((x + y) : xs)
And then try something like:
sumOnPairs l = do
pair <- l
return (csm (snd pair))
My solution is not working, please point me in the right direction
The list monad models nondetermism: do the same thing to each element of the list, then collect the results in a new list.
For the type of sequential traversal you want (do something to an element, then use the result to do something to the next element, etc), you can use the State
monad to do something like
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Bifunctor
type Pair = (String, Int)
foo :: Pair -> State Pair Pair
foo (month, y) = do
-- bimap f g (x,y) == (f x, g y)
-- The new month replaces the old month,
-- and y is added to the sum.
modify (bimap (const month) (+y))
-- Return a snapshot of the state
sumOnPairs :: [Pair] -> [Pair]
sumOnPairs = flip evalState ("", 0) . traverse foo
At each step, the new state is the current month and the sum
of the old state's number and the current number. traverse
those states in a list while traversing the original list.
> sumOnPairs [("oct",1),("nov",1),("dec",1)]
You can also keep only the sum in the state, rather than a month that just gets replaced and the sum.
foo' :: Pair -> State Int Pair
foo' x@(_, count) = do
modify (+ count)
fmap (<$ x) get
sumOnPairs' :: [Pair] -> [Pair]
sumOnPairs' = flip evalState 0 . traverse bar
In this case, only the current sum is kept in the state; the new pair is generated by using the <$
operator, which the Functor
instance of (,) String
to replace the number in the current pair with the sum in the state
> 6 <$ ("foo", 3)
("foo", 6)
I think using Data.Functor.($>)
(the flipped version of <$
) might be more readable, if you choose this route.
foo' x@(_, count) = do
modify (+ count)
fmap (x $>) get
Visually, it's more similar to what you could write if you didn't need to map over get
: x $> y == (fst x, y)