I've got a form, where I wanna set in the state (setEducation for example) incoming value from the input. I use onChange, but this causes the component to be rendered each time I make a change to the input field. What is the right way to fix the problem?
<form id="loginform" onSubmit={onBecomeDoctorRequestHandler} >
<div className="form-group mb-3">
this onChange causes the placeholder="Harvard"
component to be rendered onChange={(event) => setEducation(event.target.value.trim())}
<small className="text-danger form-text">
As-is all your form elements will re-render when any form element changes because the "value" of onClick is a new function each time the component runs (renders).
To fix that, wrap the onClick function in a useCallback. The useCallback will preserve the "value" of the function across renders, so only the elements that needs to be re-rendered will be.