I have multiple files in a directory.
File name are similar to those added in picture 1.
I want to read only latest file for each month from the directory in pyspark as dataframe.
Expected files to be read as shown in picture 2
import os
import glob
path = '/your_path/'
form = 'csv'
files_list = glob.glob('*.{}'.format(form))
dic = {}
prefix = files_list[0][:4]
suffix = files_list[0][-4:]
for i in range(0, len(files_list)):
ym = files_list[i][4:12][:6]
d = files_list[i][4:12][6:]
if ym in dic:
if d > dic[ym]:
dic[ym] = d
dic[ym] = d
files_to_open = [path+prefix+x+y+suffix for (x,y) in dic.items()]
df = spark.read.format(form).option("header", "true").load(files_to_open)