How do I enable auto completion feature so that SQL Workbench/J automatically completes the code. For example, If I alias a table in query then using that alias with a period should show the columns present in table.
First of all, I prefer using MySQL Workbench, but here is how you can turn auto-complete in SQL Workbench/J, here you will use the combination of some options to do this takse,
First, in your Menu Bar -> SQL:
SQL -> Settings ->
1- Check: Auto Advance to next
2- Check: Detect prepared statements
Second, in your Menu Bar -> Tools:
Tools -> Options ->
1- Check: Close completion with search
2- check: QuickSearch matches anywhere
Finally, you can Ctrl + Space and you will see the magic auto-completion I will provide some screenshots of mine, also you can check out the manual at Manual Please hit vote up if I have solved your problem :)