I make a plot using ggplot2
with dates like this:
df <- data.frame(date= sample(seq(from=as.Date("2015-01-01"),length.out=100,by="day")))
my_plot <- ggplot(df, aes(date)) +
This looks as expected. But as soon as I define a sexond axis the format of the first changes:
my_plot +
scale_x_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = "test", breaks = NULL, labels = NULL))
In this example the second axis could be replaced with labs(title= "test")
. It is just a minimal reproducible example. No matter how we define the second axis the first x axis does not show month anymore but numbers instead. How can I define a second axis without changing the format of the first?
It's not the second axis that causes the problem, it's that you are specifying scale_x_continuous
instead of scale_x_date
my_plot +
scale_x_date(sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = "test", breaks = NULL, labels = NULL))