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Sikuli get part of a filepath - Split string

I want to get a number from the filepath of the current file in Sikuli - Jython

I have a python example of what i'm trying to achive.

In the example the path is: C:\PycharmProjects\TestingPython\TestScripts\TestScript_3.sikuli\

import os

PointerLeft = "Script_"
PointerRight = ".sikuli"

FilePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
NumberIWant = FilePath[FilePath.index(PointerLeft) + len(PointerLeft):FilePath.index(PointerRight)]


So what i want to get is the number 3. In python the example above works, but I cant use the __file__ ref in Sikulix. Nor does the split of the string work, so even if I get the string of the path, I still have to get the number.

Any help and/or ideas is greatly appreciated


  • Important: the .py file in a .sikuli folder must have the same name
    hence in your case: ...\TestScript_3.sikuli\

    It looks like you are trying to run your stuff in the PyCharmcontext. If you do not run the script in the SikuliX IDE, you have to add from sikuli import * even to the main script.

    To get the file path of the script use getBundlePath().

    Then os.path(getBundlePath()).basename() will result to the string "TestScript_3.sikuli".

    RaiMan from SikuliX