Is it still possible (Lion) to embed Quartz Compositions in web pages (for OSX Safari users)?
The documentation at
suggests that Quartz Compositions should can be embedded in web pages thus
<embed type="application/x-quartzcomposer"
but I'm seeing a 'Missing Plugin' message in Safari 5.
Doing Safari > Help > Installed Plug-ins doesn't show a plugin configured to handle .qtz files, but browsing to Library > Internet Plug-ins, I have a copy of Quartz Composer.webplugin
What am I doing wrong?
QuartzComposer.webplugin is based upon the Webkit API. The following comes from the recent Safari Developer notes.
Plug-in Support in Safari 5.1
In Safari 5.1 on Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.6, all browser plug-ins run in their own process, improving browser stability and security. Netscape plug-ins continue to work in Safari with no modification. However, Safari 5.1 does not support WebKit plug-ins. The WebKit plug-in API is not compatible with the new process architecture and is being deprecated. Plug-in developers currently using the WebKit plug-in API should adopt the Netscape plug-in API in order to be compatible with Safari 5.1 on Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.6. You can find the documentation at WebKit Plug-In Programming Topics.
In short, you are doing nothing wrong