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Vscode Haskell syntax highlighting color suddenly not working or missing

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My Haskell isn't showing any more syntax highlight and color, but I can still write it with suggestions and snippets. This is the first time it happened, and it works without a problem before, that it shows color and syntax highlighting

I've already tried uninstalling vscode and reinstalling again, installing GHCup again, and restarting my Mac. But still, I can't get the syntax color back. Tried changing the theme too, reinstalling Haskell related extension but nothing works.

Before this happen, I was reopening my vscode, and it pops out some message error on the right bottom, that says: "Error with calling Haskell server 3 times, so not calling again" or something along those lines, because I remember it only vaguely and now it doesn't reappear anymore.

How do I fix this syntax color highlighting issue with Haskell?


  • There was a bug in the language-haskell extension, introduced in 3.5.0. It has been fixed today, with 3.6.0 out.