Due to the large number of org-mode files I have, the default clocktable shown in agenda views has a many lines for files where there's no logged time, ie they show as *0:00*
How can I configure the clocktable to omit the table lines when no time is logged in that file? eg, rather than
| File | Headline | Time | |
| | ALL *Total time* | *5:14* | |
| OrgTutorial.org | *File time* | *0:00* | |
| bills.org | *File time* | *0:00* | |
| books.org | *File time* | *0:00* | |
| home.org | *File time* | *0:05* | |
Only show
| File | Headline | Time | |
| | ALL *Total time* | *5:14* | |
| home.org | *File time* | *0:05* | |
This should be possible with :fileskip0 t
More options are mentioned here: https://orgmode.org/manual/The-clock-table.html