I'm trying to put together a minimal example of extracting metrics/traces from Akka using the OpenTelemetry Java agent, before moving to one of the actual applications in our company. So I downloaded the Akka Actors Quickstart with Scala sample application and ran it with
so that it would send metrics & traces to my local OTel Collector instance. The thing starts without errors and I can see a message from the agent at the beginning of the log, but the only metrics or traces that I see in the Collector are JVM ones.
Am I doing something wrong? Usage instructions for the agent are quite simple, so I'm confused about what is missing...
Levi's comment gave me the answer by pointing at https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/discussions/4909. At the moment the OT agent has no support for Akka actors.