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how to use release branch to increment version using setuptools_scm?

I am looking at

and I read this part

and i quote

Semantic versioning for projects with release branches. The same as guess-next-dev (incrementing the pre-release or micro segment) if on a release branch: a branch whose name (ignoring namespace) parses as a version that matches the most recent tag up to the minor segment. Otherwise if on a non-release branch, increments the minor segment and sets the micro segment to zero, then appends .devN.

How does this work?

Assuming my setup is at this commit

and the same repo, how do i increment the version by branching?

What i tried on 2022-03-15

I updated some files on main branch.

Then i did the following

python -m pip install --upgrade "pip ~= 21.3"

pip install pip-tools "pip-tools ~= 6.5"

git init .

git add .
git commit -m '♻️ REFACTOR'
git tag -a v0.0.0 -m '🔖 First tag v0.0.0'



pip install -e .

Then i push my changes including the tag

So this commit is

When I run python -m demopublicpythonproject the version that appears is correct

enter image description here

The version number that appears here is based on

Then i branch off

git checkout -b v0.0.1

Then i added a pyproject.toml and set to release-branch

# pyproject.toml
requires = ["setuptools>=45", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2"]
version_scheme = "release-branch-semver"


Then i run

python -m setuptools_scm

I get

/Users/kimsia/.venv/test-setup-py-py3812/bin/python: No module named setuptools_scm

In any case i run the following



pip install -e .

git commit -m 'Attempt to do branch semver'

then i have this commit as a result

When I run python -m demopublicpythonproject I get this image

enter image description here

The version appears to follow based on the branch number but i might be wrong because the latest tag is v0.0.0

so i

git checkout -b main
git checkout -b v0.1.0
pip install -e .      
python -m demopublicpythonproject

i get a different version number

0.0.1.dev1+g45f5696 but not 0.1.0


  • Branches main and v0.1.0 don't have pyproject.toml, so you need to add that file.

    version_scheme should be under [tool.setuptools_scm] instead of [build-system]:

    # pyproject.toml
    requires = ["setuptools>=45", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2"]
    version_scheme = "release-branch-semver"

    This will give you 0.1.0.dev1+g45f5696.

    You can check the version number locally:

    python --version

    Release branches

    git checkout -b main
    git checkout -b v0.1.0

    If you're on a release branch (e.g. v0.1, release-0.1), then the patch version is bumped.

    If you're on main or a feature branch, then the minor version is bumped.

    Tag names and branch names should not be exactly the same.
    Release branch names usually only contain up to the minor version:

    git checkout -b v0.1

    pip-tools + setuptools_scm

    Since setup.cfg only has setuptools_scm in setup_requires and not install_requires, pip-compile (without options) does not compile it into requirements.txt and pip-sync will uninstall setuptools-scm, so you have to pip install setuptools_scm after pip-sync.

    Alternatively, you can add setup = setuptools_scm to [options.extras_require]:

    # setup.cfg
    setup_requires = setuptools_scm
    setup = setuptools_scm


    pip-compile --extra setup -o setup-requirements.txt
    pip-sync setup-requirements.txt


    Release versions

    setuptools_scm mainly generates development and post-release versions.

    To generate a release version like 0.1.0, you can pass a callable into use_scm_version:

    # content of
    def myversion():
        from setuptools_scm.version import SEMVER_MINOR, guess_next_simple_semver, release_branch_semver_version
        def my_release_branch_semver_version(version):
            v = release_branch_semver_version(version)
            if v == version.format_next_version(guess_next_simple_semver, retain=SEMVER_MINOR):
                return version.format_next_version(guess_next_simple_semver, fmt="{guessed}", retain=SEMVER_MINOR)
            return v
        return {
            'version_scheme': my_release_branch_semver_version,
            'local_scheme': 'no-local-version',
