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Microsoft webservice and CXF client: JAXB fails to understand "s:schema"

I have ordinary Microsoft webservice and normal CXF of latest version with Java/JDK 1.6, Eclipse etc. When I am running wsdl2java, the JAXB part throws an error "Thrown by JAXB: undefined element declaration 's:schema' "

The part of WSDL which causes it looks like:

<s:element name="GetDepartmentsResponse">
   <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetDepartmentsResult">
      <s:element ref="s:schema" /> 
      <s:any /> 

Can I simply remove <s:element ref="s:schema" /> everywhere and keep <s:any/> ? It looks like common obstacle for Java<->Microsoft webservices interoperability. But I can not find any workaround for CXF.


  • Usually you can remove the schema ref. You may need to change the <s:any> to <s:any maxOccurs="2"> or similar to make sure there is room for both the schema element and anything that follows it.