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Create a macro that applies translate on multiple columns that you define in a dataset

I'm new to programming in SAS and I would like to do 2 macros, the first one I have done and it consists of giving 3 parameters: name of the input table, name of the column, name of the output table. What this macro does is translate the rare or accented characters, passing it a table and specifying in which column you want the rare characters to be translated:

The code to do this macro is this:

%macro translate_column(table,column,name_output);

*%let column = marca;
*%let name_output = COSAS;

FROM &table.;

set TEST;
&column.=tranwrd(&column., "Á", "A");

The problem comes when I try to do the second macro, that I want to replicate what I do in the first one but instead of having the columns that I can introduce to 1, let it be infinite, that is, if in a data set I have 4 columns with characters rare, can you translate the rare characters of those 4 columns. I don't know if I have to put a previously made macro in a parameter and then make a kind of loop or something in the macro.

The same by creating a kind of array (I have no experience with this) and putting those values in a list (these would be the different columns you want to iterate over) or in a macrovariable, it may be that passing this list as a function parameter works.

Could someone give me a hand on this? I would be very grateful


  • Either use an ARRAY or a %DO loop.

    In either case use a space delimited list of variable names as the value of the COLUMN input parameter to your macro.

    ,column=var1 varA var2 varB

    So here is ARRAY based version:

    %macro translate_column(table,column,name_output);
    data &NAME_OUTPUT;
      set &table.;
      array __column &column ;
      do over __column; 
        __column=ktranslate(__column, "A", "Á");

    Here is %DO loop based version

    %macro translate_column(table,column,name_output);
    %local index name ;
    data &NAME_OUTPUT;
      set &table.;
    %do index=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&column,%str( )));
      %let name=%scan(&column,&index,%str( ));
      &name = ktranslate(&name, "A", "Á");

    Notice I switched to using KTRANSLATE() instead of TRANWRD. That means you could adjust the macro to handle multiple character replacements at once

    &name = ktranslate(&name,'AO','ÁÓ');

    The advantage of the ARRAY version is you could do it without having to create a macro. The advantage of the %DO loop version is that it does not require that you find a name to use for the array that does not conflict with any existing variable name in the dataset.