I am trying to run a docker command to backup the database with Node spawn.
The problem is that the process exits with code 1.
If i try this command directly in the console it works.
How should i do?
const backupProcess = spawn('docker', [
'exec', container, 'pg_dumpall', `-U ${dbOptions.user}`, '>', `${path}`
//container: container name
//dbOptions.user: database user
//path: backup file destination
You are passing the '>' as argument to docker, but if you execute this in a shell the > is interpreted by the shell and not by docker.
You could try starting a shell wich starts docker and handels the redirect of the output.
const backupProcess = spawn('bash',['-c', `docker exec ${container} pg_dumpall -U ${dbOptions.user} > ${path}`]);