In Druid I am using default basic authenticator
My config look like this
If I change admin password from password1 to another. it is not reflecting on druid console! It gives an error!
So how to change admin password in Druid?
If the user has been previously created and you change the initialAdminPassword property it will have no affect as it is stored in the metadata.
You should be able to send a POST to the coordinator leader with the initial admin:password1 to change the admin password. Make sure to save it somewhere as I have been unable to recover lost passwords.
curl -XPOST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:password1 <coordinator_leader_ip:port>/druid-ext/basic-security/authentication/db/{authenticatorName}/users/{userName}/credentials --data '{ "password": "newPassword2" }'
In your case:
{authenticatorName} = basic
{userName} = admin
<coordinator_leader_ip:port> is often times http://localhost:8081/ if you have mounted the coordinator