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SPARQL, RDF & processing Data

I'm new to this entire semantics stuff, and i've been plunged into a project which requires me to use the SPARQL endpoint from dbpedia to retrieve information about certain things such as a City for example. The idea is that my application collects a few of these keywords (which are predefined, such as City, Country & Region) and rely on dbpedia to get some sensible information about this.

After fiddling around with the SPARQL endpoint for some time, I came up with the following query:

PREFIX dbo: <> 
PREFIX prop: <>

SELECT ?city
?city prop:name "X"@en; 
a dbo:PopulatedPlace

Where X stands for the name of the city that I'm trying to get information about. When I run this query against the SPARQL endpoint, I receive a URI in a RDF structure that points to a RDF store on DBPedia (at least that's how I interpret it, please correct me if I'm wrong)

The returned result for the City "Antwerpen" looks like this:

<rdf:RDF><rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="rset"><rdf:type rdf:resource=""/><res:resultVariable>city</res:resultVariable><res:solution rdf:nodeID="r0"><res:binding rdf:nodeID="r0c0"><res:variable>city</res:variable><res:value rdf:resource=""/></res:binding></res:solution></rdf:Description></rdf:RDF>

I'm using Ruby on Rails with the RDF for Ruby gem to work with RDF data. But honestly, I'm clueless on how to actually work with this information. When I follow the link, I seem to be receiving an RDF store that contains all information about the city I queried.

Am I right in that I probably need to point my Code to the URI received and parse our the information I desire? Or should it be possible for example to select some information directly through the SPARQL endpoint? Like for example the description & demographic data?

I know this is a pretty vague question, but I'm trying my best to get the hang of this technology, and looking for some examples to help me better understand it.


  • It's probably easier to get started by getting all the info you want directly from the SPARQL endpoint. You can use a query like this:

    SELECT ?city ?property ?value
    WHERE {
        ?city prop:name "X"@en; 
              a dbo:PopulatedPlace;
              ?property ?value .

    This will return a bunch of properties and values that describe the city in some detail and it will give you a flavour for the kind of information that you can get.

    A next step would be to query specifically for the properties you're interested in:

    SELECT *
    WHERE {
        ?city prop:name "Galway"@en; 
              a dbo:PopulatedPlace .
        OPTIONAL { ?city dbo:populationUrban ?pop }
        OPTIONAL { ?city foaf:homepage ?homepage }
        OPTIONAL { ?city geo:lat ?lat }
        OPTIONAL { ?city geo:long ?long }

    I'm putting each of the triple patterns into an OPTIONAL block because some cities may not have all of the information available. Without the OPTIONAL block, you'd only get a result if all the triple patterns match for the city.