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How to convert type to byte array golang

How to Convert Type of one kind to byte array

Here is the working example

package main

import (

type Signature [5]byte

const (
    /// Number of bytes in a signature.
    SignatureLength = 5

func main() {

    var bytes0to64 Signature = SignatureFromBytes([]byte("Here is a string.........."))

    res := bytes.Compare([]byte("Test"), bytes0to64)
    if res == 0 {
        fmt.Println("!..Slices are equal..!")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("!..Slice are not equal..!")


func SignatureFromBytes(in []byte) (out Signature) {
    byteCount := len(in)
    if byteCount == 0 {

    max := SignatureLength
    if byteCount < max {
        max = byteCount

    copy(out[:], in[0:max])

In Go lang defined

type Signature [5]byte

So this is expected

var bytes0to64 Signature = SignatureFromBytes([]byte("Here is a string.........."))

It just output the Type to


This is correct, now I want to get the byte array from this for the next level of processing and get a compilation error

./prog.go:23:29: cannot use bytes0to64 (type Signature) as type []byte in argument to bytes.Compare

Go build failed.

The error is right only there is a mismatch on comparison. Now how should i convert the Signature type to byte array


  • Since Signature is a byte array, you may simply slice it:


    This will result in a value of []byte.

    Testing it:

    res := bytes.Compare([]byte("Test"), bytes0to64[:])
    if res == 0 {
        fmt.Println("!..Slices are equal..!")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("!..Slice are not equal..!")
    res = bytes.Compare([]byte{72, 101, 114, 101, 32}, bytes0to64[:])
    if res == 0 {
        fmt.Println("!..Slices are equal..!")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("!..Slice are not equal..!")

    This will output (try it on the Go Playground):

    !..Slice are not equal..!
    !..Slices are equal..!