In the OnFormShow event I need (for a particular set of conditions) not to show the form.
Something like "if counter > 15 don't show the form".
I could of course refactor and move many things on form create, but this is a lot of work, because this is a common form and there are too many changes involved.
Now I close the form at the end of OnFormShow but anyway I see the form appear for some milliseconds.
Unfortunately the condition that tells me not to show the form is decided inside OnFormShow. Is there a trick to avoid the form to show?
+1 on the refactoring, but in the mean time, try this:
AlphaBlend := true;
AlphaBlendValue := 0;
That should make the form invisible, and seemed to work in my OnShow test app (D2010/XP). I'm guessing you'll need to add code to make the form close, possibly a timer?