Trying to serialize componentMappers
. The Exception is throwed at .Serialize()
var componentMappers = new Bag<ComponentMapper>();
var componentMappersS = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(componentMappers);
var componentMappersD = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<Bag<ComponentMapper>>(componentMappersS);
FormatterNotRegisteredException: MonoGame.Extended.Entities.ComponentMapper is not registered in resolver: MessagePack.Resolvers.StandardResolver
public abstract class ComponentMapper
protected ComponentMapper(int id, Type componentType)
Id = id;
ComponentType = componentType;
public int Id { get; set; }
public Type ComponentType { get; }
public abstract bool Has(int entityId);
public abstract void Delete(int entityId);
public class ComponentMapper<T> : ComponentMapper
where T : class
private readonly Action<int> _onCompositionChanged;
// Custom
public ComponentMapper(int id, Bag<T> components) : base(id, typeof(T))
Id = id;
Components = components;
public class Bag<T> : IEnumerable<T>
public T[] _items;
public bool _isPrimitive;
public int Capacity => _items.Length;
public bool IsEmpty => Count == 0;
public int Count { get; private set; }
// Custom
public Bag(T[] _items, bool _isPrimitive)
this._isPrimitive = _isPrimitive;
this._items = _items;
Though if serializing for a specific type, i.e.:
var componentMapper = new ComponentMapper<Human>(0, new Bag<Human>());
var componentMapperS = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(componentMapper);
var componentMapperD = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<ComponentMapper<Human>>(componentMapperS);
there are no problems.
This happens because ComponentMapper
is abstract
so I have to use MessagePack
s Union
. MessagePack tried to serialize the abstract class but it didn't know what type is exactly "underneath it" so you have to mark possible candidates with Union